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Ahead Sport Mind Training


檔案大小:37.2 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:丹麥文, 俄文, 加泰羅尼亞文, 匈牙利文, 印尼文, 土耳其文, 巴克摩文挪威文, 希伯來文, 希臘文, 德語, 捷克文, 日語, 法文, 波蘭文, 瑞典文, 簡體中文, 繁體中文, 羅馬尼亞文, 義大利文, 芬蘭文, 英語, 荷蘭文, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙文, 阿拉伯文, 韓語

Ahead Sport Mind Training(圖1)-速報App

Fast track your competitive edge with the Ahead Sport Mind Training app. The app is a core part of Ahead in the Game Inc.'s proven mental performance development system. The app will help you develop a world-class performance mindset so that you can have your best days, on your biggest days. Perfect for the elite athlete who wants to take a mental game to the next level, and accessible for developing athletes who want to get started with mental training. The Ahead Sport Mind Training app is in your pocket, so you can be in the pocket.

The app consists of: the Mental Skills Tool Box, nine key mental skills for improving your mental game; the Peak Performance Tracker, which includes five mental game tracking forms; links to the Ahead in the Game A.I.T.G. Blog; a Contact Us form; and a place to submit pictures of your progress and success.

The Mental Skills Tool Box includes written descriptions, video demonstrations, and audio exercises you can take with you. The Nine Mental Skills include: Get Loose, Responsive Focus, Picture it Positive, Talk Positive, Park It!, Stand Tall, Activate, Center Yourself, and Worry Box. Mental skills training are an effective way to improve your performance and satisfaction.

Ahead Sport Mind Training(圖2)-速報App

The Peak Performance Tracker will help committed athletes refine key mental habits for excellence and performance. The Peak Performance Tracker forms include:

- the Performance Inventory form, to provide you with insights into positive mental habits and skills for optimal performance

- the Personal Optimal Performance State reflection form, so that you become aware of key focusing reminders and activation levels for performing at your best

Ahead Sport Mind Training(圖3)-速報App

- a Daily Mental Training and Goal form, to help you ritually set daily training goals and to be prompted in the regular use of mental skills

- the Ahead in the Game Post-competition Reflection form, which is an extremely reliable method for fine-tuning peak performance mindsets and helping you develop the focus you need to perform at your best

- the Short-term Goal form, to keep your head in the game

Ahead Sport Mind Training(圖4)-速報App

The committed use of the Peak Performance Tracker alone has proven to improve self-insight and mental discipline for having a peak performance mindset.

All forms are confidential. Tracking report options are available by contacting http:www.aheadinthegame.ca

The Ahead Sport Mind Training app is based on over 30 years of sport involvement and over 15 years experience working with athletes and other performers. Ahead in the Game Mental Performance Consultant Tara Costello, M.A. Human Kinetics, C.S.P.A. has supported amateur and professional athletes in achieving regional, national and international success. She has worked with National and World Curling Champions, nationally ranked tennis athletes, NHL AHL Professional hockey players, elite golfers, and has helped many others in achieving personal best performances. Tara is the Mental Trainer for Special Olympics Canada for the 2013 and 2015 World Games. She looks forward to supporting you in achieving your high-level goals.

Ahead Sport Mind Training(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad